CE Requirements for Newly DCs in FL

Congratulations on getting your Florida license!


Now that you are licensed, you may be wondering what comes next in regard to your continuing education requirements. According to the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine‘s website, the following is what you need to complete within your first year of licensure.

First Biennium Renewal:  Chiropractic Physicians are required to attend one (1) full day at a Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine meeting within the first 12 months of licensure. Licensees who reside out of the state may satisfy this requirement within (12) months after locating to the State of Florida. Chiropractic Physicians initially licensed in the biennium and renewing a license for the first time are required to complete:


Six (6) hours of record keeping/documentation and coding
Two (2) hours in the area of ethics and boundaries
Two (2) hour course relating to prevention of medical errors
Three (3) hours of HIV/AIDS

If you are unsure about what this means,
please contact us via email or give us a call at 844-234-3532